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- RACESBUL.151 DATE: Jan. 7, 1991
- The following was submitted to us by Patricia Gibbons, WA6UBE,
- City of San Jose Communications:
- "I made a trip to Berkeley to visit the shop manager for a facility run
- by Mackay Radio -- they maintain marine communications gear on the
- larger craft operated by American and foreign shipping lines. I wanted
- to get the correct part numbers to make up a wire antenna for our EOC
- just like those on board ship that go between the masts, complete with
- what are called 'safety links'. These are special sections of wire that
- are weaker then the antenna line itself and has a heavier, longer wire
- in parallel with the weaker wire. The purpose on a ship is to allow the
- weak link to break in a heavy storm. This allows additional slack in
- the antenna wire so that the entire antenna will survive instead of it
- all coming down. This concept is ideal for our communications center
- because we have two large monopoles to support the various microwave and
- various VHF/UHF antennas for our city government frequencies. So if
- this High Frequency wire antenna will go between the two poles, and if
- they sway a lot in en earthquake, the weak lines will break instead of
- the entire antenna system and thereby survive when it will be needed the
- most!!!"
- RACESBUL.152 DATE: Jan. 14, 1991
- There has been what can be called more than somewhat mild excitement in
- Northern California emergency communications circles over a form of high
- frequency radio propagation. It's not new, but I venture to say that
- very few have used and understood it. "It" is called NVIS -- Near
- Vertical Incident Skywave. Patricia Gibbons, WA6UBE, presented a paper
- on NVIS at the 1990 Pacific Division ARRL convention in San Jose. It
- caused quite a stir. She quickly ran out of handouts and has since
- received dozens of requests for more. The handouts included reprints of
- articles from military communications magazines reporting the results of
- many tests. Near vertical incident skywave means forcing your radio
- signals to travel straight up (i.e., 80-90 degrees) and back down. This
- achieves radio coverage in circle having a radius of 300 miles and more.
- Stop and think about that for a moment. Complete coverage within such a
- circle on frequencies between 2 and 10 or 12 Megahertz. Some readers
- may wonder what's so good about this. So now is a good spot to say that
- if only DX (long distance) is your thing, skip on and read one of the
- other fine articles in this publication. We are talking about
- dependable local area high frequency communications -- the type we need
- for tactical public safety communications in the Radio Amateur Civil
- Emergency Service, the Civil Air Patrol, SECURE, search and rescue,
- forestry, pipeline and similar services. In tactical communications we
- don't want DX. (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.153 DATE: JAN. 21, 1991
- How frustrating it was in years gone by to drive away from, say, a 4585
- KHz base station, only to lose a good 400 watt signal a mile from the
- transmitter! All the while receiving, loud and clear, a 50 watt
- transmitter some 200 miles away. Very frustrating. We really didn't
- know why. When VHF-FM radios and repeaters came along, most of us
- retired HF mobile radios for tactical communications. The reasons we
- haven't enjoyed good HF tactical communications, whether AM or SSB, have
- been the base and mobile antennas. The classic dipoles, a quarter to a
- half wave up in the air. The mobile antennas, designed for use by
- Amateur Radio operators, have the same general propagation
- characteristics -- low take off angle for DX. Virtually every Amateur
- Radio mobile HF antenna is unsuitable for day-to-day tactical
- communications. They are variously bulky, mechanically weak, won't
- survive continual whacks from limbs and low overheads, look like
- Neptune's trident or a misshapen coat rack. They may be fine for hobby
- communications but not for tactical public safety use. In that type of
- service we want one, simple antenna that is permanently installed and we
- don't have to think about or fuss with again. So how do we achieve
- NVIS? By getting those sky hooks down near the ground. Let's start
- with the base station antenna. Horizontal, of course. Dipole or long
- wire. Place the antenna as low as two feet above the ground but no
- higher than about thirty feet without a counterpoise. Use an
- appropriate and sturdy antenna tuner; you will use the one antenna for
- all frequencies between 2-12 MHz. A longwire antenna is suitable in
- field setups but not recommended on office buildings or other urban
- environments. The reason is that unbalanced antennas frequently create
- interference problems with telephones and other communications and
- electronic equipment. These problems are substantially reduced or
- eliminated with a balanced antenna system. (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.154 DATE: Jan. 28, 1991
- The antenna tuner of preference is one that is automatic. Such tuners
- are available now hat do not require any control cables; they require
- only the coaxial transmission line from the transceiver and a 12 volt DC
- cable. The tuner is placed at the far end of the coaxial cable. There
- are then two basic options: a longwire or a balanced (dipole) antenna.
- The longwire can be any length -- the longer the better to approach the
- lowest operating frequency. A very good ground connection is necessary
- and often quite difficult to obtain on a rooftop. (When we are talking
- about running ground connections we mean the shortest possible runs of 2
- to 3 inch copper strap -- never wire or braid.) For a balanced antenna,
- you can place a 4:1 balun on the output of the antenna tuner, thence to
- a 450 ohm feedline to the dipole antenna. Any NVIS antenna can be
- enhanced with a ground along the surface that is 5% longer than the
- antenna and separated by .15 wavelength at the lowest frequency to be
- used. For the HF-SSB mobile radio, a sixteen-foot whip is probably the
- best. Such a whip may be both costly and difficult to find. For NVIS,
- the antenna is used folded down, both in motion and at rest. That's
- right, it is not released to go vertical. Most us use the heavy duty
- ball joint mount, heavy duty spring, and readily available 106 inch
- whip. To further improve the NVIS propagation at rest, the mobile whip
- is adjusted to go parallel to the ground and away from the vehicle. A
- further enhancement is to remove the whip and run out a longwire 30, 50,
- 100 feet long. Patricia Gibbons carries orange traffic cones, about 18
- inches tall, and notched at the top to lay the antenna wire away from
- the vehicle. (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.155 DATE: Feb. 4, 1991
- The Russian military have been using NVIS antennas on their vehicles for
- quite some time. They appear to be about 4 meters long and about six
- inches above the top surface of the vehicle. At least one American
- manufacturer makes an NVIS antenna for both military and civilian
- vehicles. On a van it looks no more obtrusive than a luggage rack. The
- automatic antenna tuner is located in the rear of the vehicle and as
- close as possible to the mobile antenna feedpoint. An HF-SSB mobile
- radio was recently installed in one of our State Office of Emergency
- Services trucks. The installer and the vehicle were 80 airline miles
- away and the time was about 2 p.m. In the State SECURE (State Emergency
- Capability Using Radio Effectively) system this calls for using a 7 MHz
- channel. We established contact; the mobile signal was received here in
- Sacramento at about S5 to S6. I then asked him to loosen the ball
- mount, flop the antenna down horizontal and away from the truck. I
- could tell by the pause and tone of his voice that he thought I had lost
- it. When he returned to the air his signal jumped to S9. By the same
- token he thought I had cut in a linear amplifier because of the
- improvement to my signal. I assured him that the improvement was due
- solely to his flopping his antenna horizontal. You need not be
- concerned over the orientation of an NVIS antenna; it is
- omnidirectional. (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.156 DATE: Feb. 11, 1991
- Every Monday night from 7-8 p.m. we conduct a State RACES net on 3545.5
- kHz using AMTOR. One night the net was concluded and secured. While
- the hams were cleaning up one of them noticed that we were being called;
- there it was on the screen. But it belied the loudspeaker; there were
- no discernible AMTOR signals -- only a high noise level. Yet, there was
- that station, WA6UBE, calling us at W6HIR. Yes, it was Patricia Gibbons
- proving an NVIS point again! She was transmitting to us from 82 miles
- away with an antenna lying on the ground along her driveway and using 3
- watts of power! On another statewide evening RACES net, our Monday
- night 8 p.m. 3952 kHz voice net, Bill Pennington (WA6SLA) compared two
- antennas. One was a vertical and the other was a horizontal quite close
- to the ground. His observations were interesting and typical of NVIS
- propagation. Almost all of the signals received on the vertical were
- higher in voltage than the NVIS antenna but, be that as it may, the
- signal to noise ratio is superior with the NVIS antenna. The noise
- floor is measurably lower on the lower antenna, thereby providing better
- overall communications. I heard more than one Amateur say, after
- listening to Gibbons' NVIS presentation and subsequent demonstrations,
- decide to jump back into HF-SSB mobile radio again. These people, like
- I, are interested primarily in the mobile tactical public safety
- communication applications. There is an easy method to improve the NVIS
- radiation of your dipole antenna. Let the feedpoint sag five to ten
- feet below the horizontal. This will alter the radiation to improve the
- vertical angle to achieve an approximate 2 dB improvement at no cost.
- Many are excited about an old but little understood and practiced means
- of HF radiation. If you need it, try it. You'll like it.
- RACESBUL.157 DATE: Feb. 18, 1991
- 1 9 8 7
- 701 Equipment Liability - Questions and Answers
- 702 Mono County Hams Wanted
- 703 County RACES Officers
- 704 RACES pamphlets
- 705 News from State OES HQ RACES
- 706 Mailed Bulletins to be reduced
- 707 New State OES Region Manager is a ham (N6ECP)
- 708 Kings County goes RACES
- 709 National Dispatcher's Week
- 710 California dams
- 711 Emergency Management agency via ham radio
- The following six messages are specifically intended for all
- State and local OES employees in California:
- 712 RACES program management problems - Part 1
- 713 RACES program management problems - Part 2
- 714 RACES program management problems - Part 3
- 715 RACES program management problems - Part 4
- 716 RACES program management problems - Part 5
- 717 RACES program management problems - Part 6
- 718 State RACES Plan cover errata - misspelling!
- 719 Volunteers deportment and appearance - Part 1
- 720 Volunteers deportment and appearance - Part 2
- 721 Delivering the message to your OES agency
- 721A Hams help wanted in Southern California!
- 722 Packet radio demonstations, how to do - Part 1
- 723 Packet radio demonstations, how to do - Part 2
- 724 Packet radio demonstations, how to do - Part 3
- 725 Packet radio demonstations, how to do - Part 4
- (The above 4 messages describe how best to successfully
- demonstrate packet radio to government entities and eliminate
- embarrassments and Murphy's Law)
- (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.158 DATE: Feb. 25, 1991
- 726 Hurricanes, names for all the 1987 season
- 727 (missing)
- 728 Identification cards wanted (samples from any jurisdiction)
- 729 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 1
- 730 SAR City USA (Nov. 1987 seminar in Barstow, CA)
- 731 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 2
- 732 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 3
- 733 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 4
- 734 1987 earthquake exercise - Part 5
- 736 Definition of the RACES
- 737 CCDN and RACES Bulletins - Part 1 of 2
- 738 CCDN and RACES Bulletins - Part 2 of 2
- 739 Use of ID cards policy
- 740 Volunteers responding policy
- 741 Flow of communications; city to county to State
- 742 Training writeups wanted to share statewide
- 743 Will you attend the Emergency Response Institute '88?
- 744 Tsunami; definition and training discussion
- 745 ICS videotape (available from State OES PAO)
- 746 Season's Greetings from the State OES Director
- 747 RACES Bulletin numbering system to change
- (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.159 DATE: March 4, 1991
- Imagine a RACES communications van that can deliver 24 simultaneous
- voice or data circuits plus full duplex Amateur Television ("ATV")
- videoconferencing. Now add High Frequency, VHF and UHF radios -- both
- Amateur and Public Safety, a thirty foot pneumatic mast, on-board power
- generator, and four wheel drive! "Wonderful," you say? California
- State Office of Emergency Services Region 2 RACES calls it "RF-1".
- In service since September 1990, RF-1 is the product of nearly a year's
- development by Region Two's Special Communications Assistance Team
- (SCAT) and the RACES.
- RF-1 Project Coordinator Steve Cembura (N6GVI) led the team of Amateurs
- who designed and built the mobile 5.8 gigaHertz microwave system. This
- full-duplex link operates in both analog (video) and digital (T-carrier)
- modes. The system includes T-1 channel banks which combine up to 24
- separate voice or data circuits on a single microwave signal.
- SCAT Public Safety Radio Officer Dick Epting located the vehicle, a
- surplus Electronic News Gathering unit from San Francisco's television
- station KGO, and installed two-way radios and emergency equipment.
- Another San Francisco broadcaster, KPIX-TV, donated a broadcast quality
- color TV camera and other necessary video and audio gear.
- RF-1 got its first field trial providing video and two-way radio
- communications for a major earthquake preparedness exercise in Solano
- County. It was displayed at the last Emergency Response Institute in
- San Ramon and at the opening of the new State OES Media Center in
- Sacramento. RF-1 is now Region Two's "first in" mobile communications
- resource for earthquakes and other disasters.
- "RF-1 is more than just a comm van," says Region 2 RACES Coordinator Art
- Botterell. "All the technology wouldn't mean a thing without skilled
- operators. The RF-1 team put themselves on- call day and night to offer
- this unique public service."
- RACESBUL.160 DATE: March 11, 1991
- QUESTION: How do we identify an emergency communications mission for
- the volunteers?
- ANSWER: There is a planning tool in disaster management planning called
- a matrix. On one axis are all the many emergency functions that should
- be addressed by the agency and the jurisdiction. On the other axis is a
- list of all of the agencies and organizations involved in emergency
- response. For every function one agency has the primary responsibility.
- A letter "P" is written in that square. Then any other organization
- that has a support role should have an "S" entered in the appropriate
- block along the function axis.
- By doing this you may well find new participation and missions that did
- not exist heretofore. Here are a few examples:
- 1. Weather Warnings. The "P" or Primary is the National Weather
- Service. The "S" or Support services may be the emergency management
- agency, the fire department, the sheriff or police department, and the
- Emergency Broadcast System. Don't overlook the latter as one of your
- organizations unless, of course, it doesn't exist.
- 2. Rescue. The Primary is usually the fire department. Support role
- agencies may include public works, Explorer Scouts, search and rescue
- units and others. (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.161 DATE: March 18, 1991
- 3. Communications. Since this is an emergency communications planning
- matrix, the P for Primary is the local emergency management agency.
- Support roles may typically be provided by sheriff or police, fire,
- public works, the telephone company, cellular telephone utilities, the
- Civil Air Patrol and others with whom you interface in the emergency
- operations center. Note that I did not say RACES. That is because the
- RACES is not a separate or outside organization; it is a unit of the
- emergency management agency. The Civil Air Patrol, on the other hand,
- IS an outside agency. Do you have the RACES in your government? Have
- you looked into the CAP communications capabilities?
- By now you should have an idea how the Primary and Support role planning
- matrix works. Note that there is only one Primary for every function;
- there cannot be divided responsibilities. Once the organizations have
- been inventoried it is easier to create RACES support roles for a host
- of emergency situations, and probably quite a few more than you envision
- today. Does each department head carry local government two-way radio
- communications? If not, have you planned a shadow role for your RACES?
- If you or your radio officer is unfamiliar with the shadow role, please
- send us an inquiry.
- RACESBUL.162 DATE: March 25, 1991
- QUESTION: How do I join a RACES unit?
- ANSWER: Contact your nearest civil defense or emergency management
- agency. The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service is a part of a
- municipal, county, or state government. This does not mean, however,
- that every such government has a RACES program. If your government does
- not have a RACES, we hope you refer any interested caller to the nearest
- jurisdiction that does have a RACES.
- QUESTION: For "Level A" RACES persons, what kind of training should we,
- the local government, give them?
- ANSWER: This varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. One thing the
- RACES is not is to train operators from scratch. We assume that person
- brings to the job one or more skills. The government should train and
- provide handouts on that which the volunteer would not normally get.
- For starters we recommend the following:
- 1. An agency organization chart.
- 2. Position descriptions, starting with the Radio Officer.
- 3. The mission of the emergency communications service, including the
- 4. The Incident Command System. If the ICS is used, the volunteer
- communicators in government service must understand it.
- 5. Concentrate of the use of tactical callsigns and plain English.
- 6. Mission specific training. In other words, those people support a
- hazard materials incident in the field must have suitable hazmat
- training before hand. The same applies to wild fire communications,
- flood gauge reporting, and similar potentially hazardous operations.
- 7. Housekeeping rules and standard operating procedures.
- 8. Safety, personal and family preparedness.
- RACESBUL.163 DATE: April 1, 1991
- QUESTION: You usually talk about Amateur Radio, the Civil Air Patrol,
- and public safety radio services in your Bulletins. Isn't Citizens Band
- radio viable anymore in emergency services agencies?
- ANSWER: Yes, in some areas. Because it is short range and local in
- nature, CB radio is best suited to city and county communications. Like
- any other volunteer service this can vary from area to area. In many
- areas the REACT or Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team
- organization is a highly developed, dedicated and professional group
- that is a pleasure to work with and a credit to the community. CB radio
- now also includes the GMRS or General Mobile Radio Service. More and
- more REACT organizations are using GMRS. This enables a professional
- quality base, mobile and repeater operation in the UHF-FM band.
- A CB radio should be part of any city and county Emergency Operations
- Center even if there is no organized or dependable CB radio
- organization. It can be an immediate source of information or reports
- in some instances. It is an inexpensive communications resource that
- should not be overlooked in any local area Emergency Operations Center.
- RACESBUL.164 DATE: April 8, 1991
- QUESTION: I am new at using volunteers in our government. How can I
- use volunteers in communications?
- ANSWER: Some assignment skills for your unpaid professional
- communication specialists in government service are:
- - voice radio operators for tactical and formal traffic;
- - digital operators for packet radio, AMTOR, and radioteletype.
- This can include unlicensed people skilled at typing messages into
- computers;
- - Net Control voice operators. This takes a special and uncommon skill
- that you should identify and recruit in advance of their need;
- - Shift supervisors. Trained volunteers to manage the other volunteers;
- - Shadows. A shadow is a radio operator who brings his/her own two-way
- radio (usually Amateur Radio) communications and accompanies a key
- official around the clock as long as that official is on duty. The
- shadow is also capable of operating the official's own radio, cellular
- telephone, etc.; and
- - Comm Unit Leaders on incidents. Where the Incident Command System is
- used for the public safety communications resources and Amateur Radio is
- also used, their should also be a ham Comm Unit Leader. The two should
- work side by side throughout the incident.
- (To be continued)
- RACESBUL.165 DATE: April 15, 1991
- This has unfortunately not been the case during the past five years of
- most of the major state and federal forest fire operations in
- California. This could be attributed to growing pains because the use
- of volunteer communications was virtually unknown by the federal
- government and for less than ten years among a few state units. We
- strongly recommend that the federal or state Comm Unit Leader assure in
- the future that there be a volunteer Comm Unit Leader who will work
- where he works throughout the incident. This can eliminate the
- confusion and problems that do and will arise, no matter how well the
- volunteers have served in the past. Volunteers must not be allowed to
- function without tight coordination, direction and control from those
- they are serving. State and federal wildfire suppression organizations
- are urged to amend their ICS checklist for their Comm Unit Leader to
- include establishing a volunteer Comm Unit Leader that works for and
- with the principal position. As we enter the fifth year of drought in
- the West, it behooves us all to preplan, organize, train and stand ready
- more than ever before. The threat grows as the budgets shrink. Our
- agency knows that there are volunteers and there are volunteers. We
- recruit, train and promote the use of those we call unpaid professional
- communications specialists. We recognize that there are volunteers who
- can be defined as self serving or loose canons; they are not of concern
- because they don't have to be recruited and they can be dismissed. No
- government agency should be the least bit reluctant to do the latter. A
- major portion of our volunteer management orientation is spent on this
- aspect of not being reluctant to select and reject.
- This message has been prepared by several paid and unpaid professionals.
- Your comments and input are invited.
- RACESBUL.166 DATE: April 22, 1991
- SUBJECT: How to help your Radio Officer
- You emergency management agency managers frequently ask what your Radio
- Officer should know. Many of the subjects have been covered in past
- Bulletins. Several Radio Officers have recently suggested the
- importance of their knowing about, understanding, and cooperating with
- the other public safety communications managers in your government.
- This will help to enable your volunteer communications resources to fit
- it in better than if they are held aside as a last resort, when all else
- fails, or a doomsday resource. Such RACES units usually fade away not
- too long after being organized. If they are an outside group, they may
- not be equipped with adequate training and preconditioning from you and
- your jurisdiction. Any volunteer is only as good as the training he or
- she seeks and receives. We have heard from many Radio Officers who
- support the premise that they are of more value when they gain an
- understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the public safety
- communications systems in their area. They are encouraged to become
- members of their local Associated Public- Safety Communications Officers
- chapter. Some jurisdictions pay the APCO dues for their RACES Radio
- Officer and broaden the scope of their duties to include all volunteer
- communications services. We know of several people who have entered the
- public safety career field in this manner.